Pike County Hyper-Reach Notification Service

Civil Defense / Emergency Management

Pike County Civil Defense is Staffed by:
Tina Reed -Director
Tyler Touchstone – Deputy Director

(601) 684-3564

The Pike County Emergency Management / Civil Defense Agency is responsible for the preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery activities before, during, and after an emergency or disaster affects Pike County. Emergency Management coordinates the direction of county government operations in response to emergencies. The E.M.A. director acts under the policies determined by the Board of Supervisors and the State of Mississippi and is subject to the Board’s general supervision and control. The E.M.A. Director will carry out the general policies of the Board in conformity with the guidelines established by the State Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agencies in accordance with the established procedures and state laws.

The E.M.A. Director is responsible for the development and implementation of emergency operations plans, community preparedness activities, emergency communication, and coordination of emergency response agencies. The E.M.A. Director is also responsible for the submission and administration of state and federal grants for mitigation, preparedness, and response projects.

Pike County Hyper-Reach Notification Service Information

MEMA D7 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Draft