Pike County Hyper-Reach Notification Service

Solid Waste

Pike County Residential Trash Service

Did you know it is mandatory to sign up for trash service? Find answers to other questions on the How Do I page.
Call Pike County Solid Waste to set up Service: 601.783.4192
$ 14.00 per month per household
$ 40.00 quarterly rate
$ 80.00 semi-annual rate
$156.00 annual rate

⇒ Trash is required to be put out on trash day for 7:00 a.m.

For the safety of our workers, please keep all material below 60 pounds/bag or can.
Waste Management will not pick-up trash on the ground: all trash must be placed in a trash container or bag.

Recycling Container Locations:

McComb —- 1241 Parklane Road (fire station #4)
Summit —– 801 Peter Street (behind the police station)
Magnolia— 180 S. Cherry Street (across from the fire station, in the parking lot)
Osyka —— 215 S. Liberty Street (next to town hall police station)

Shelsey Williams-Waste Coordinator/Program Manager- City of McComb
Cell: 601-248-0237 Email: swilliams@mccomb-ms.gov

Solid Waste Clerk
Bobbie Miller
PO Box 29
Magnolia, MS 39652
Phone: (601)783-4192
Email: See Contact Page

You can pay your solid waste bill here.